“Alarming” Facts About Divorce

Most folks have probably heard that 50% of all marriages end in divorce. The truth is that it’s very difficult to measure divorce rates. However, over the past few decades, the divorce rate has been going down, not up, in all but one demographic: Those over the age of 50. What are the facts surrounding divorce and are they really “alarming”? Let’s have a look.
782,038 Couples Divorced in 2018
Those statistics also include annulments which are far more unusual. Considered in terms of divorces per 1000 people, about 2.9 couples per 1000 people ended marriages in 2018. This excludes data from certain states such as California and New Mexico. In 2015, the divorce rate was slightly higher, 3.1 per 1000 people. In 2000, it was higher still, 4.0 per 1000 people. For those concerned with escalating divorce rates, this should be good news. The divorce rate is actually going down.
39% of Marriages Will End in Divorce
It was in the 1980s that folks were divorcing one another at that rate. Since then, the divorce rate has actually gone down. Now, 39% of marriages end in divorce. While this number is still large, it’s not as appalling as half. Those considering marriage no longer have to flip a coin as to whether or not their marriage will work. The odds are in their favor.
Drinking Habits Influence Divorce
If your partner drinks a lot, but you don’t, your odds of divorcing go up considerably. If you drink a lot, but your partner doesn’t, then your odds of divorcing also go up considerably. If both you and your partner drink or neither you nor your partner drink, your odds of divorcing go down. In other words, couples with the same drinking habits stand a better chance in marriage than do those with different drinking habits. This is according to a study conducted by researchers at the University at Buffalo.
Less Than Half of Parents Get the Child Support They’re Owed
This really is an alarming statistic. According to CBS, less than half of parents who are owed child support by a non-custodial parent receive the amount they are ordered to get by the court. According to the study, 30% of child support payments aren’t made at all and less than half of all custodial parents are getting 100% of the child support they’re owed.
Children of Parents Who Fought are More Likely to Divorce
This is an interesting statistic. Children of parents who fought a lot, but stayed together are more likely to divorce than children of parents who actually divorced, one survey conducted by PEW research says. It makes a certain sort of sense. Children who grew up in “high-conflict” environments don’t want to repeat their parents’ mistakes and are more likely to exit a high-conflict situation than children of parents who exited a high-conflict situation.
Talk to a West Palm Beach Divorce Attorney
If you’re contemplating divorce, the West Palm Beach divorce attorneys at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates can help you through the process. Talk to us today to set up an appointment.