Author Archives: Jay Butchko

Marital Assets and Florida Inheritances
Division of assets accumulated during a marriage is part of the divorce process, but sometimes individuals aren’t sure of what is a marital asset. For instance, a person might wonder whether their inheritance is subject to division. In the state of Florida, where equitable distribution laws govern divorce proceedings, how an inheritance is treated… Read More »

Should We Settle Our Debts Before Divorcing?
Dividing assets and liabilities is a key part of the Florida divorce process, and one crucial aspect couples should consider is whether settling their debts before proceeding with a divorce will be helpful or not. As is true in many divorce factors, there are pros and cons of paying off debts before ending a… Read More »

Will Remarrying Impact My Child Support?
If you’re a divorced parent in West Palm Beach, and you are planning to remarry, you may be wondering if your child support payments will be affected by your decision to wed. The answer to this question depends on several factors. To discuss the particulars of your situation with a legal professional, reach out… Read More »

Specific Divorce Concerns For Stay-at-Home Parents
Uncertain financial futures can be incredibly stressful, and if you are a stay-at-home parent who is considering divorce, you may be wondering what financial resources you will have access to should the marriage come to an end. Florida stay-at-home parents who are divorcing have different issues to address than couples who are both high… Read More »

Parallel Parenting And Co-Parenting
If you are a parent to young children, it is likely that one of the most challenging aspects of ending your marriage is determining how to co-parent effectively. Each family needs to find the approach that works best for them. Generally, there are two primary methods of co-parenting to assess, parallel parenting and traditional… Read More »

How To Schedule Holiday Time With Kids After A Divorce
If you and your spouse have children, one of the most significant challenges of your divorce process could be figuring out an optimal parenting plan, including how to allocate holiday time with the kids. Navigating parenting time can be difficult for all involved, but with proper planning and the guidance of a skilled West… Read More »

Custody Dispute Behaviors To Avoid
Child custody disputes can complicate the divorce process, leading to prolonged conflicts and additional stress for all parties involved. And while completely avoiding stressors may not be possible, a seasoned West Palm Beach family attorney can share strategies for boosting health communication. When communication channels are open, a full and fair divorce agreement could… Read More »

High Net Worth And Asset Division
There is no definitive number that defines a marriage as one of high net worth. That said, it is generally agreed that if a person has over a million in liquid assets they are a high net worth individual. Some financial experts follow different guidelines, such as liquid assets over five million. Whatever financial… Read More »

Many Florida Millennials Explore Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial agreements are not just for the wealthy or older couples. In recent years, more and more millennials in Florida are exploring the idea of prenuptial agreements to protect their assets and interests in the event of divorce. The millennial generation is often defined as individuals born from 1981 to 1996, and there are… Read More »

Navigating Vacations With Kids After A Divorce
There are many reasons to set aside time for a family vacation. Many find taking trips with their kids promotes healthy bonding and can help everyone, adults and children alike, relax and let go of some of the daily stress they experience in connection with their school responsibilities and career commitments. But after a… Read More »

Choosing To Separate Or File For Divorce
Marital problems happen, but when the bad times far outweigh the good, it may be time to exit the marriage. But in these times, it can be difficult for spouses to know whether it is time to try a separation or file for divorce. Making the decision to end a marriage is never easy,… Read More »

Ways To Reduce Conflict Through Divorce Timing
It is natural to want a low stress divorce process, and one of the factors that can impact the level of conflict during a divorce is the timing of the divorce itself. To explore ways to reduce conflict through divorce timing, share your hopes and concerns with a West Palm Beach family attorney. An… Read More »

Who Pays Student Loans After A West Palm Beach Divorce?
During a West Palm Beach divorce, division of debts is a common area of dispute. This includes educational debts, such as student loans. One of the first things to determine is whether the student loans are considered marital or individual debt. In Florida, the law considers student loans taken out while two people were… Read More »

Parenting Coordinators And Other Supports During A Divorce
It is an unfortunate reality that many parents experience a lot of stress when navigating the divorce process. In these situations, it can be helpful to have the support of professionals who are trained to navigate the legal system and provide families assistance with parenting issues. In Florida, there are several individuals and organizations… Read More »

Should We Wait Until The Kids Are Adults?
Deciding when to divorce can be especially complicated when there are children involved. While some couples consider delaying a divorce until the kids have grown up, it is important to consider that there are also consequences to waiting. In many situations, moving forward with a plan to divorce is in the best interests of… Read More »

Benefits Of A Detailed Parenting Plan
Detailed parenting plans provide numerous benefits for both parents and children during and after a Florida divorce. Because these plans address schedule issues, routines, and potential conflicts in advance, parents can minimize stress and avoid potential conflicts. As a result, parents can focus on building their own post-divorce future and ensure that their child’s… Read More »

There Are Smartphone Apps To Support Co-Parents
Co-parenting after a separation and divorce can be challenging. Parents themselves are adapting to a new situation and are often feeling the stresses of juggling work, their personal lifes, and raising children. However, there are supports, including technological tools to make co-parenting easier and more manageable. As a co-parent, you may need to communicate,… Read More »

Examples Of Digital Harassment During The Divorce Process
Digital harassment during a Florida divorce process is more common than most people think, and cyberstalking, identity theft, and social media abuse result in significant emotional stress for those involved. A West Palm Beach family attorney can provide you with guidance throughout the divorce process, including letting you know when digital harassment has crossed… Read More »

Divorce And Cryptocurrency Assets
Couples who are divorcing in the state of Florida may be faced with the challenge of deciding how cryptocurrency assets will be distributed. Because while cryptocurrency is not legal tender, it does have value and can be used for purchases. Some families have quite a bit of their family wealth in cryptocurrency, and as… Read More »

What Does The Term Successful Divorce Mean?
Success is not a word people often think about when they are entering the divorce process, but there are truly successful outcomes, even during a time of life that can be emotional and stressful. For example, when you outline what outcomes you are seeking and are able to achieve those goals with the support… Read More »