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Can I Put Custody Rules in a Prenuptial Agreement?

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Couples considering prenuptial agreements often focus on protecting assets, defining financial responsibilities, and setting alimony terms. But each family is unique, and some parents wonder if they can address child custody in their prenup. The short answer is no, child custody cannot be predetermined in a premarital agreement. Talking to a West Palm Beach… Read More »

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What Equitable Distribution Means in the Sunshine State

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

When a marriage ends in the state of Florida, the principle of equitable distribution governs how property and debts are divided between spouses. Equitable distribution refers to the fair, but not necessarily equal, division of marital property and debts. Essential, equitable means just and reasonable, and in order for these determinations to be made… Read More »

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How Connecting with Others Can Help When Divorcing

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

It’s essential to remember that you don’t have to go through challenging times alone, including when you are moving through a divorce. Connecting with friends and seeking support from professionals can make the process more manageable and less stressful. In Florida, numerous resources are available to help you navigate the personal, financial, and legal… Read More »

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DCF Cases and the Importance of Legal Support in Florida

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

The Department of Children and Families (DCF) is a state agency responsible for ensuring the welfare and safety of children. While the organization is committed to the DCF mission of protecting children from abuse, neglect, and abandonment, there are situations where parents are accused and need to defend themselves. Being involved in a DCF… Read More »

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Assessing the Possibility of a Collaborative Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

There are many who are ready to exit a marriage but also want to sidestep the traditional adversarial divorce process. If this is true for you, know that one alternative is a collaborative divorce, a structured method that emphasizes cooperation and mutual respect. For couples in Florida considering a collaborative divorce, talk to a… Read More »

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Leveraging Financial Expert Insights When Ending a Marriage

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Financial disputes can turn an already stressful divorce process into an even more contentious ordeal. If you are in this situation and are hoping to find a way to avoid the strain and expense of a court battle, consider engaging the services of a neutral financial professional. A West Palm Beach family attorney can… Read More »

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What is a Guardian Ad Litem?

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Divorce is a challenging process, especially when children are involved. Ensuring the best interests of the child often becomes the central focus, which could involve engaging with  professionals to provide objective insights into the child’s welfare. One such professional is a Guardian Ad Litem (GAL). A GAL is a court-appointed expert responsible for advocating… Read More »

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Alimony Changes and Net Income

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

In 2023, state law regarding alimony was reformed. Previously, alimony decisions were largely at the discretion of the judge, who would consider various factors to decide on the amount and duration of support. The new laws aim to standardize these decisions, so permanent alimony has been eliminated and reviewing net income is now part… Read More »

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Can I Make All Parenting Decisions?

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

As a parent moving toward divorce, you may have questions about who will make decisions about your child’s upbringing moving forward. While courts throughout Florida favor shared parental responsibility, there are situations where one parent may be granted complete authority to make calls on education, healthcare, and other child rearing decisions. Talk to a… Read More »

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Florida Fathers and Parental Rights

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

The role of fathers in their children’s lives is recognized as key to their well-being and development. In the past, mothers were given status as primary caregivers in the event of a divorce, but contemporary research and evolving societal norms emphasizes the importance of an active and engaged father. Today, Florida’s legal landscape supports… Read More »

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Questions to Expect from an Attorney

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

When thinking about ending a marriage, many want to connect with an attorney but aren’t sure how to select the right family lawyer. If this is true for you, know that your first meeting with a family lawyer is a moment that can set the tone for the entirety of your divorce process. Being… Read More »

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Life Shifts and Child Support Changes in Florida

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Child support ensures the well-being of children whose parents are no longer together. While a support award amount may be fair at the time it is set, life is dynamic, and circumstances can change, necessitating modifications to existing child support agreements. If you are wondering how to seek a modification, recognize that not all… Read More »

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Disbelief and Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

A journey that is often fraught with challenges, divorce can lead to a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, including sadness, anger, confusion, and even disbelief. In the midst of such turmoil, it’s crucial to recognize that grieving the loss of a marriage is a natural part of the process. Families in Florida facing the difficult… Read More »

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Social Media Issues When Ending a Marriage

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

For many in Florida and around the world, social media is an integral part of daily life. From building personal contacts to sharing life updates with old friends, platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn have revolutionized how we communicate. While all of this communication can bring a lot of joy, during the divorce process… Read More »

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Educational and Religious Provisions in Florida Parenting Agreements

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

For some families, crafting a comprehensive parenting plan involves much more than just determining custody and visitation schedules. As you move through the process, it’s essential to consider all aspects of a child’s upbringing that are important in your family, including education preferences and religious beliefs. Outlining expectations and ensuring that both parents have… Read More »

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Reasons for Court Divorces and Other Resolution Paths

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

While many Florida couples strive to settle their divorces amicably outside of court, certain circumstances may necessitate litigation to reach a resolution. If you want to learn more about why some divorces end up in Florida courts and ways to avoid court involvement, such as mediation, connect with a West Palm Beach family attorney…. Read More »

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Divorce Judgments the Economics of Uncontested Divorces

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Disputes can prolong the process of ending a marriage, so many look into the possibility of an uncontested divorce. For many, an uncontested dissolution of marriage emerges as a beacon of hope because they offer couples an expedited, less contentious path. Reduced emotional strain and significant cost-saving advantages could be in reach if you… Read More »

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Easing Stress for Kids During Divorce

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Divorce is a challenging journey for all involved, and it can be especially tough on children. From emotional distress to behavioral changes, children are often impacted by their parents’ disputes. But there are ways parents can minimize the stress kids experience and support them through this life transition. By prioritizing conflict resolution, creating a… Read More »

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Coping with Unemployment and Child Support Obligations

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

Losing a job is not easy, especially when you have a lot of financial obligations. The strain coupled with the financial responsibilities, including child support payments, can be overwhelming, but it’s important to understand that regardless of your employment status child support obligations don’t vanish. To learn more about what steps you can take… Read More »

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Grandparent Visits and Florida Family Law

By Bruce S. Rosenwater |

In some families, the connection between grandparents and grandchildren is prioritized. But in other families, this is not possible. Sometimes there isn’t communication between grandparents and grandkids because family dynamics are strained, which could be the case in situations where parents are going through a divorce or separation. While parents make the rules for… Read More »

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