Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates, P.A. Recognized by the Supreme Court of Florida

Pro Bono Work
Rosenwater & Associates was recently recognized by the Supreme Court of Florida, the Young Lawyers Division of the Florida Bar, and the Florida Pro Bono Coordinators Association, in collaboration with the local pro bono program, for pro bono service in 2013.
Pro bono work helps the poor, the powerless, the defenseless, and the oppressed. It serves those in society who would otherwise be unable to afford legal representation. Pro bono work helps fulfill the promise of equal justice for all. Bruce Rosenwater commented, “Everyone deserves equal access to justice regardless of their financial or social standing.”
The Florida Supreme Court has existed for more than 150 years. It is the highest court in Florida, its Chief Justice oversees the Florida State Courts System. The Young Lawyers Division of The Florida Bar has over 21,000 members. Its purpose is to stimulate and encourage the interest and participation of division members in the purposes of The Florida Bar. The Florida Pro Bono Coordinators Association is compromised of Pro Bono program managers and coordinators representing local volunteer attorney projects through the state of Florida.