Divorce And Kids Witnessing Domestic Violence

Domestic violence has an effect on every member of a family, including small children, teens, and grown kids who have witnessed violence throughout their lives. This makes sense, when you consider that kids turn to their parents at every development point to learn what adulthood looks like. From basics such as learning to talk and walk, to how to communicate with others. Clearly, violence is not a healthy form of communication.
Protecting yourself is essential. Violence should never be part of a marriage. To learn about ways to shield yourself and build a safe home for you and your children, talk to a West Palm Beach family attorney. Experienced Florida lawyers can walk you through the process, including how to leave and access a restraining order, if needed, and what should be done today to be sure you have the financial resources to provide for yourself and your kids moving forward.
Emotional, Physical, Sexual, and Psychological Violence
Whenever violence is directed toward you from a person in your domestic sphere, law enforcement will likely call the event an act of domestic violence when reporting the incident. Spouses, parents, children, siblings, friends, and former romantic partners have all been listed in domestic violence reports.
Violence can take many forms:
- Emotional violence, from insults to derogatory names.
- Physical violence, including hitting and pushing.
- Sexual violence, forced sexual acts between individuals.
- Psychological violence, such as intimidation and threats.
Often domestic violence is between current or former romantic partners. And if there are children as a result of the union, they are witnessing the abuse and taking those lessons into their own assessment of how life should be lived.
Children Experience Fear, Anxiety, and Depression
It is untrue to assume that kids who only see the abuse but do not experience physical abuse themselves go unharmed. Children who experience emotional trauma can have difficulties, including being fearful of others and living with periods of anxiety or depression. When they are told to keep the violence a family secret, this can also increase mental health issues as the children may feel more isolated. And children who see violence in their home growing up are more likely to become abusers or victims themselves when they enter adulthood, according to domestic abuse studies.
Your children deserve a safe, nurturing home and that is possible when you make the decision to change a situation that is unhealthy and abusive. When you are ready to build a future where you and your kids can thrive, connect with a West Palm Beach family attorney.
Is it time for you to leave an abusive marriage and you are looking for support? A supportive group of professionals, including an experienced team of family lawyers, can help you secure the safe, comfortable future you are seeking. Connect with an attorney today and share all of the facts of your case. When you are ready to get started, reach out to the legal team at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates. Book your free initial consultation today.