Helping Florida Teenagers When Parents Divorce

The teenage years are a time of transition, when a child grows and establishes their own individual identity. It can be a difficult time no matter if the teenager’s parents are married, separated, or navigating a divorce. Some kids have a hard time processing the break up of their parent’s marriage, leading to negative emotions. But this is not always true, each person and family situation is unique. If your family could use support, there are resources available.
There are a lot of factors to consider when going through a Florida divorce. Moving and other family disruptions can have an effect on adults and children alike. To learn about your support options and plan for your post-divorce life, connect with a West Palm Beach family attorney. Your lawyer can work to create the financial arrangement you need for a secure future.
Professional Counselors and Other Support Systems
Just as every marriage is different, teenagers will react to divorce in a variety of ways. But when they are having trouble, many find it helpful to connect with a third party, someone who is neutral and not a member of the family. Often this is a counselor or mental health professional recommended by a primary care physician after a teen exhibits any of the following warning signs or symptoms.
- Anxiety or depression
- Irritability and difficulty sleeping
- Troubles performing academically
- Anger towards family members
- Abrupt peer group change
- Substance abuse
If you notice behavior changes and have concerns, it is often best to face troubles quickly. Unhealthy behaviors can escalate, and the teenager may struggle with self-esteem. Often solutions can be developed when a support system is in place.
It Takes Time to Adjust to a New Lifestyle
Whether a family pursues counseling or not, know that adjusting to changes takes time. Let your teen know you are available to talk when they are ready. Divorcing can feel like a loss of stability, but over time the dust settles. Once a teenager has time to process the change, they may thrive under the new living arrangement, whether that is a co-parenting agreement or one parent securing primary custody.
Remember that teens are still minors and all conversations may not be appropriate. Divorces that occur due to infidelity, for example, may have a lot of details that are not advisable to share with minor children. Adults talking to counselors may be beneficial as well, because then they can get some insight into what is appropriate to share according to the developmental phase of their child or children at the time. A brighter future is possible, connect with a West Palm Beach family attorney to learn about your legal options and what support systems are available.
Are you navigating the end of a marriage and parenting a teenager? Discuss the details of your situation with the knowledgeable family legal team at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates. Our attorneys have assisted clients through times of transition and are available to answer all of your questions, including those surrounding young kids or teenagers. To get started, schedule a consultation today.