Kelly Clarkson’s Marriage the Latest Casualty of COVID Quarantine

Kelly Clarkson announced that she and husband Brandon Blackstock are divorcing after seven years of marriage. This announcement came after the couple fled to Montana to quarantine during the COVID-19 outbreak.
Clarkson and Blackstock had problems before the COVID crisis but were hoping a change of scenery and environment would be just the thing they needed to get their marriage back on track. Unfortunately, the quarantine only increased the turmoil the two were experiencing and hastened the demise of their marriage. Like so many couples, having so much time together only amplified the problems that they were already having.
A source close to Clarkson revealed that she felt as though divorce was the only option left for the couple. Clarkson has already filed divorce papers. The couple have two children together and remain in contact.
Marriages With Problems Aren’t Surviving the Coronavirus
It’s become common now to hear of couples divorcing after quarantining together for a significant period of time. Marriages that were already experiencing difficulties prior to the coronavirus quarantine are now heading for divorce. Divorce attorneys’ phones are ringing off the hook with angry spouses hoping to expedite the process immediately.
However, the quarantine may not be the only factor that is causing mass-divorce in the United States. Couples everywhere are on edge concerning their finances, their mortgages, their car payments, and more, are considering the possibility of filing for bankruptcy, all while being cooped up behind four walls together. In other words, it’s a recipe for major financial stressors.
While the coronavirus is a novel situation that no one in our lifetime has experienced before, financial struggles tend to be ubiquitous and lead to more divorces than even the coronavirus. One would imagine that Clarkson is not among those who are facing a major economic existential threat, but those in the millionaire bracket have seen more of their wealth evaporate than any other segment of the population.
Even when financial struggles are not a part of the picture, the quarantine and the ensuing climate of fear put enough stress on many families that their marriages couldn’t survive. Now, with divorce rates skyrocketing and the quarantine coming to an end, America’s courts face a new challenge processing the number of divorce petitions.
Trying to Work out Your Problems During a Pandemic
One of the major reasons why couples who are experiencing issues right now are headed for divorce is that the normal resources, like marriage counselors, that would typically be available to them, are not available right now. Couples are forced to deal with their problems in this cloistered environment from which it is difficult to escape. If they have children, then they’re fighting over how best to protect them and the snowball of discontent becomes an avalanche.
Talk to a West Palm Beach Divorce Attorney Today
If you’re considering untying the knot, talk to the West Palm Beach divorce attorneys at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates. We will manage your divorce from start to finish and advocate for your interests during the process. Call today to learn more.