Will I Still Receive Alimony If I Move In with My New Partner?

After a Florida divorce, you may be relying on funds you are receiving through alimony to support yourself. But as time moves on, it is also possible you may be involved with a new romance partner, which could leave you wondering how your alimony payments could be affected if you choose to move in with your new partner.
It is possible for alimony amounts to change in the state of Florida, to specifically address the impact of cohabitation on your alimony payments, connect with a West Palm Beach family attorney. Skilled lawyers are available to shed light on the factors that courts consider when determining modifications to alimony agreements and advise you on how to protect your financial future.
When Alimony Payments Can Be Adjusted or Stopped
In Florida, if alimony is possible and how much the amount will be is determined on a range of factors, including the duration of the marriage, the financial resources and earning capacity of each spouse, and the standard of living established during the course of the marriage. While alimony payments are initially set during the divorce proceedings, they are subject to change when the circumstances of one or both parties shifts considerably.
One circumstance that could result in a modification of alimony is cohabitation with a new partner. If the alimony recipient is moving into or has already entered a supportive relationship with a new partner, the court would review the circumstances and reduce or terminate alimony payments. But the impact of cohabitation on alimony varies depending on the specific circumstances of each case and the full financial picture, including the contributions and economic benefits to the recipient. The circumstance will need to be legally reviewed before a final modification could be made.
The reality is cohabitation will not automatically lead to a modification of alimony payments or to the end of financial support altogether, but alimony could be adjusted if the recipient’s financial situation has significantly improved due to their new partner’s support.
Talk to An Attorney About Your Plans
Alimony payments in Florida can change under certain circumstances, including cohabitation, so it is important that you move forward fully prepared and informed. The impact of moving in with a boyfriend or girlfriend varies case by case and a West Palm Beach family attorney can provide you with guidance to meet your unique needs. If there is a move to modify an alimony amount, courts will carefully evaluate factors such as financial contributions and economic benefits received from the new partner to determine if a modification is warranted.
Could the alimony you receive, or pay, be subject to a modification? If you have concerns about your alimony agreement and how it could change due to you moving in with someone, consult with an experienced divorce lawyer who can provide guidance based on your unique situation. Share the details of your situation with the legal experts at Bruce S. Rosenwater & Associates as soon as you have a concern. Book your free initial consultation today.